
When I launched the site in 2015 I wanted to share my little experience with web service. So I bought the domain wstutorial.com and started to write and share articles about web service, SOAP, XML, etc. And then REST become more and more popular so we wrote also about REST. Over time, other topics such as spring security, and OAuth 2.0 were added.

All articles are easy and simple to understand, you should have a common unterstanding of java, maven and git. The most articles are maven-based and can be found in Github

- Marone Samir

Feedback and comments

We are still learning every day, we welcome your feedback and constructive input -both negative and positive-.
The best way to reach us is to leave a comment or email us at: email as pic

About authors

marone samir beach background
marone samir
Marone Samir
Java Full Stack Developer

Learn, code, share