REST: Representational State Transfer
- REST API documentation with SpringDoc
Alx | October 2020
- REST API documentation code first with SpringFox
Alx | October 2020
- Generate code with openapi generator
Marone | September 2020
- Spring security with Keycloak using oauth2 and roles
marone | July 2020
- Spring security with Keycloak using oauth2
alx | June 2020
- Spring boot with jersey
alx | May 2020
- Secure Spring boot Rest APIs with client certificate
Marone | December 2019
- Secure spring boot with custom authentication
Marone | December 2019
- Secure Spring boot with basic authentication
Marone | October 2019
- Secure Spring boot with lets' encrypt
Alx | February 2018
- Jersey REST API deployed on Tomcat
Marone | December 2017
- Secure Jersey REST API with basic authentication
Alx | December 2017
- Spring boot rest with PUT POST HEAD OPTIONS
Marone | December 2017
- Secure Spring boot using HTTPS
Marone | September 2016
- REST API with jersey using multiple HTTP Methods
Marone | July 2016
- Spring boot rest hello world
Marone | July 2016
- Hello world REST API with jersey
Marone | July 2016