By Marone: February 2020 | last update: March 2020

Install and run keycloak


In this article we will learn how to install, run and setup keycloak standalone server with a minimal setting

Used technologies

Keycloak 8.0.1
JDK 11
Windows 8

What is Keycloak

Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution

Download and run Keycloak

There is multiple posiblities to download keycloak, in this aritcle we will get keycloak from github
After unzip the file you can easily run a standalone server, for demo purposes it will be fine. Open a terminal and go to your unzipped file and from the folder bin just run:

To avoid port conflicts we will shift all the ports with value 10-Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=10. The HTTP port will be 8090

The first time you call http://localhost:8090/auth/ from browser, we will be asked to create an admin user

keycloak first time
After that you can open http://localhost:8090/auth/admin and log in

master realm page

Creating Realm

A realm manages a set of users, credentials, roles, and groups. A user belongs to and logs into a realm. Realms are isolated from one another and can only manage and authenticate the users that they control
Now hit "Add Button"

create new realm

We choose wstutorial as Realm name and click "create"

Creating client

Inside a Realm we can define a client which means an application that should be secured by Keycloak, a Spring Boot API, a Web Application etc. create client
As Client Id we choose demo-app. After hitting Save button we will be forwarded to a new screen. there we can use the default settings
In the field Valid Redirect URIs we set asterisk and we save

Creating User

To create a user click on Users in the left menu bar. Now on the right side you click the Add User button
Just spicify a Username and click save. A new page will appear, now you have to go to the Credentials tab

add user credentials

After specifying a password we switch Temporary off and clik Set Password twice
