By Alx: December 2019
Encrypt and decrypt data with RSA
This article explains how to generate a RSA Keypair in order to encrypt and decrypt data.Big picture
Used technologies
JDK 1.8Maven 3.2
Maven dependencies
There is only one dependency:junit
Helper class
Details:In order to create a
you have to specify a algorithm RSA
We initialize the KeyPairGenerator by passing a
, we choose 2048 bit
At (line 10) we generate
that contains Public and Private Key
method takes two parameter: the Public Key and the message that should be enrcypted
After creating a RSA cipher,we initialize the Cipher with
and pass the message
The method
performs Encryption and returns a byte array of the encrypted message
method takes two parameter: the Private Key and the encrypted message
For cipher initialization you specify the
RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman
Encrypted data with the public key can only decrypted by the private key and encrypted data with the private key can only be decrypted with the public key. Also known as
Encrypted data with the public key can only decrypted by the private key and encrypted data with the private key can only be decrypted with the public key. Also known as
asymmetric encryption
Test class
Run the test
The output should look like:References
The complete code can be found in GitHub