By alx: May 2020

Spring boot with jersey


This article is about how to create and configure a Spring Boot JAX-RS 2.0 REST API with Jersey framework.

Used technologies

Java 11
curl 7.66
Maven 3.x

Go to Spring Initializr and create a demo maven project as following:

spring initializr
Click Generate and pick up the downloaded zip file. Extract the zip file and import the demo into your preferred IDE.

Maven dependencies

The JAX-RS Resource

The @Path annotation identifies the URI path template to which the resource will be accessible.
@GET annotation indenticates that hello() method will process HTTP GET requests.
The@Produces("text/plain")annotation is used to specify the MIME media types of the response that will be send back.

Jersey Configuration

With Spring @Component Annotation the class will be automatically detected
Extending ResourceConfig to register the HelloWorldResource class

Project structure

|-- src/
|   |-- main/
|	|	|-- java/
|	|	|	|-- com.wstutorial.springboot.jersey/	
|   |	|	|	|--
|   |	|	|	|--
|   |	|	|	|--
|   |-- test/
|	|	|-- java/
|	|	|	|-- com.wstutorial.springboot.jersey/	
|   |	|	|	|--
|-- mvnw
|-- mvnw.cmd
|-- pom.xml

Run the application

Let's test

The complete code can be found in GitHub
