By Marone: June 2020
Secure API with Kong
OAuth2 Authentication plugin
After seeing how to run and setup kong in the previous article, now we will try to protect the provided API.The API should be restricted and only avaiabable for authenticated caller. The API is stateless and each request should have some sort of information which must be verfified on Kong.
Used technologies
Kong Gateway v2.xDocker 19.x (Running on Windows)
Curl 7.65
Enabling the oauth2 plugin
Response:The OAuth 2.0 Authentication is assigned to the service
. We enable client_credentials as grant_type
Please keep the value of provision_key, this will be needed to obtain access token.
Check the API
Now the API are restricted and requires a access token
Add Consumer
We need a consumer who can access the API, the consumer in this case acts as a service.Create Application
We need a OAuth 2.0 credentials which should be associated to the consumer consumer1234The application name must be set.
Because we dont specify our own
and client_secret
kong will generate these for us.
Obtain AccessToken
Note! As per the OAuth2 specs, this plugin requires the underlying service to be served over HTTPS. So we call the token endpoint over HTTPS.
Now the client can send this token in the
Authorization header
to access the protected API.